Before you head down to your favorite print shop to have new business cards created and printed, take a few minutes to review your card text. Make sure you've included all the information for the back of your card that you think your customers or clients will find useful.
Here's a handy checklist that we've found useful. However, you may have other things you want to include.
Use the name your customers or clients know you by.
Example: Bob Smith versus Robert L. Smith, Jr.
Job Title
Include what you do or what defines your job scope.
Example: Lead Card Designer
Professional Designations
If you have achieved designations within your industry, let your customers or clients about them.
Example: National Association of Card Designers, R.P.C.D.
Company Affiliation
Include the full name of your company or your employer.
Example: Bob Smith Card Company of Pasco
Contact information
We recommend you include your phone number, email address, work address and business social media profiles such as LinkedIn.
Once you're satisfied you've included all the information you need, check for spelling errors, print it out if possible, and then review it again with your professional printer. The result of your pre-print planning is a well-designed business card.